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Introduction and Background
-> Micah
Introduction and Background
The Book of Micah
Quick Facts about
Micah is the 33nd Book in the Bible
The Hebrew Word for Micah is "Mikah" which means "Who is like Yahweh"
The Greek Name for Micah is "Micha" which is the Greek form of the Hebrew
The Author of the Book of Micah was Micah (According to Tradition)
The Events in Micah date back to 750 BC approximately
The Main Theme of Micah is the Word Micah saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem
A Type of Jesus - In Micah Jesus is the king from Bethlehem
Outline of Micah
God's Declaration against Samaria and Jerusalem: Micah 1:1 - Micah 2:13
God's Imminent Judgment And the Messiahs Future Kingdom: Micah 3:1 - Micah 5:15
After the Divine Judgment God's Blessing Will Follow: Micah 6:1 - Micah 7:20