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Bible Topics for Kids
JOHN - 1. The Baptist - Prophecies concerning
JOHN - Miraculous birth of
JOHN - Lives in the desert
JOHN - Mission of
JOHN - Ministry of
JOHN - His influence upon the public mind
JOHN - Testifies to the messiahship of Jesus
JOHN - Teaches his disciples to pray
JOHN - Teaches his disciples to fast
JOHN - Baptizes Jesus - See BAPTISM
JOHN - The testimony of Jesus concerning (see below, Jesus discourses
JOHN - His ministry not attested by miracles
JOHN - Reproves Herod Antipas on account of his incest; Herod
JOHN - Sends two disciples to Jesus
JOHN - Herod Antipas falsely supposes Jesus to be
JOHN - Character of
JOHN - Jesus discourses upon
JOHN - Affected probably by the doctrines of the stoics
JOHN - A Nazarite
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Intimately associated with Jesus
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - The healing of Peter's mother-in-law
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - The raising of the daughter of Jairus
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - The two catches of fish
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - The transfiguration
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Is present with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Intolerance of
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Civil ambitions of
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Prepares the Passover meal
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Present at the trial of Jesus which took place in front of
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Present at the crucifixion
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Present at the gravesite of Jesus
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Present when Jesus revealed himself at the Lake Galilee
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Present with Peter in the temple courtyard
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Lives in Jerusalem
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Is intrusted with the care of Mary, mother of Jesus
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Imprisoned by the rulers of the Jews
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Sent by the Jerusalem congregation with the commission to
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - A pillar of the ekklesia (body of Christ)
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - See the EPISTLES OF JOHN
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Writes his apocalyptic vision from Patmos Island
JOHN - 2. The Apostle - Prophecy concerning
JOHN - 3. A relative of Annas the high priest