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Bible Topics for Kids
LOT - 2. The son of Haran - Accompanies Terah from Ur of the Chaldees to Haran
LOT - 2. The son of Haran - Migrates with Abraham to the land of Canaan
LOT - 2. The son of Haran - Returns with him to Beth-el
LOT - 2. The son of Haran - Separates from Abraham, and locates in Sodom
LOT - 2. The son of Haran - Taken captive by Chedorlaomer; rescued by Abraham
LOT - 2. The son of Haran - Providentially saved from destruction in Sodom
LOT - 2. The son of Haran - Disobediently protests against going to the mountains, and
LOT - 2. The son of Haran - His wife disobediently yearns after Sodom, and becomes a
LOT - 2. The son of Haran - Commits incest with his daughters