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SHECHEM - 1. Also called SICHEM and SYCHEM, a district in the central - Abraham lives in
SHECHEM - 1. Also called SICHEM and SYCHEM, a district in the central - The flocks and herds of Jacob kept in
SHECHEM - 1. Also called SICHEM and SYCHEM, a district in the central - Joseph buried in
SHECHEM - 1. Also called SICHEM and SYCHEM, a district in the central - Jacob buried in
SHECHEM - 2. Also called SYCHAR, a city of refuge in Mount Ephraim
SHECHEM - 2. Also called SYCHAR, a city of refuge in Mount Ephraim - Joshua assembled the tribes of Israel at, with all their
SHECHEM - 2. Also called SYCHAR, a city of refuge in Mount Ephraim - Joshua buried at
SHECHEM - 2. Also called SYCHAR, a city of refuge in Mount Ephraim - Abimelech made king at
SHECHEM - 2. Also called SYCHAR, a city of refuge in Mount Ephraim - Rehoboam crowned at
SHECHEM - 2. Also called SYCHAR, a city of refuge in Mount Ephraim - Destroyed by Abimelech
SHECHEM - 2. Also called SYCHAR, a city of refuge in Mount Ephraim - Rebuilt by Jeroboam
SHECHEM - 2. Also called SYCHAR, a city of refuge in Mount Ephraim - Men of, killed by Ishmael
SHECHEM - 2. Also called SYCHAR, a city of refuge in Mount Ephraim - Jesus visits; disciples made in
SHECHEM - 3. Son of Hamor; seduces Jacob's daughter; killed by Jacob's
SHECHEM - 3. Son of Hamor; seduces Jacob's daughter; killed by Jacob's - Called SYCHEM
SHECHEM - 4. Ancestor of the Shechemites
SHECHEM - 5. Son of Shemidah